Policies & Procedures

Committed To Providing The Best Care Possible

In order to reach and sustain this level of commitment we have implemented first class standards, policies and procedures.

Rest Assured Homecare are committed to providing the best possible care to our Service Users together with the very best working environment for our members of staff.

In order to reach and sustain this level of commitment, we have implemented first-class standards, policies and procedures.

We invite you to examine the way we do things and we are always looking for ways to improve so if you have any comments please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Policies & Procedures

At Rest Assured Homecare we have a full and comprehensive list of policies and procedures in place to safeguard both Service Users and our Domiciliary Care Support Workers. If you would like to know more detail please do not hesitate to contact us and a member of our friendly office team will be only too happy to help.

To ensure that Rest Assured Homecare offers a high-quality service to our Service Users we have the following procedures in place:

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Care Plan Reviews

Rest Assured team will attend any case conference. Questionnaire twice a year. Reviews are done every 3 months along with regular support worker and family feedback always ensuring our client files are up to date.

Complaint Policy & Procedure

All complaints are documented no matter how big or small are dealt with in accordance with policy. This ensures that trends are constantly monitored.

Highly Trained Staff

All staff as a minimum are trained in basic life support, moving and handling, medication level 1 and undertake hours of online training. All staff will either complete the Care Certificate or will be working towards an NVQ. All new staff complete shadow shifts and receive competency checks. Periodic competency checks are carried out with all staff and regular performance reviews take place.

Service Users and/or their relatives/advocates are encouraged to contact us if they do not understand or feel satisfied with any aspect of their care. There is always someone on call to assist and our office hours are 08:00AM – 16:30PM. Please be aware that out of office hours are for emergencies only, in which we're always available.

Withdrawal Of Service

Rest Assured Homecare is committed to providing a reliable, flexible and effective service to all Service Users. Every effort is made to ensure that the specified service is delivered in the agreed manner at the correct time and place. However, there are a number of particular instances when Rest Assured Homecare reserves the right to withdraw or refuse service. These occasions are described below:

Concern For The Service User
Concern For The Care Staff
Where Rest Assured Homecare Care Management believes the stipulated pattern and/or type of care to be inappropriate to the needs of the Service Users and/or prejudices their continued health and well-being.

1) Health & Safety
Where the environment in which the Care Staff are required to work is likely to affect their health and safety.

2) Violence
Where there is a real threat of physical violence to Care Staff.

3) Verbal and/or Verbal Sexual Abuse
Where the Service User and/or friends/relatives of the Service User direct continued verbal abuse towards Care Staff.

Where correctly presented invoices are not paid within the prescribed period. In these circumstances Rest Assured Homecare always endeavours to adopt an understanding approach to personal financial difficulties.

Notification Of Refusal Or Withdrawal Of Service


Refusal of service will be notified, in writing, at the earliest opportunity following the Service User’s request for a service, along with the reason for the refusal. If satisfactory guarantees can be provided by the Service User or Service User’s representatives that ease the identified area of concern then the provision of service will be reviewed.

Reason(s) for the withdrawal of service will be notified immediately in writing to the Service User, their representative, GP or Care Manager where appropriate, and Rest Assured Homecare management. This procedure will only be varied if there is an immediate risk to the Care Staff’s welfare.
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