Live Your Life
In Your Own Home

Care at home in West Norfolk, East Cambridgeshire & South Lincolnshire areas for any adult(s) 18+.

Registered With CQC

Rest Assured Homecare is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC monitor, inspect and regulate health and social care services, publishing their findings to help people choose care right for them. Our team of support workers are outstandingly reliable and act swiftly to adapt to changing needs.

Our Homecare Services

No matter what sort of care you need, don’t worry, you can rely on us.

Just imagine being at home, feeling comfortable, relaxed and assured…

knowing your friendly carer will be with you shortly to care for you, have a chat and make sure you are well.
Get Started
Providing Care That Passes My ‘Nan’ Test

Hello, how are you? I’m Emma Culley, MD of Rest Assured Homecare. I’m guessing that if you are reading this then you are either looking for care to help you stay in your own home, or looking for a care package for a relative? In which case, you need to make sure you get the right carers and be assured that your loved ones are happy and safe at home.

This is my Nan with me. She is vital to the success of my business because I always operate the ‘Nan’ test before employing anyone to work as one of our carers. I love my Nan dearly and I must feel extremely comfortable with the person I am looking to place with our service users, and would happily have them care for my Nan, before asking them to join our team. So please Rest Assured, my hand picked team are friendly, reliable and always professional.

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What Questions Do You Have For Us?

With the right care in place, every person, young or old can live with dignity, security and companionship in the comfort of their own homes.

Working alongside your family and friends already involved in your care at home, we can alleviate the complexities and frustrations associated with getting the right care in place, (be it long or short term care, respite, live-in, companionship, domestic, hospital to home or more specialist care such as Dementia or End of Life) and provide your loved ones with the peace of mind that they can now visit you as family again, and not as your carer. Rest Assured Homecare will achieve this by delivering a premium, fully-managed, care at home solution.

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